Friday January 23
Soreness from Monday is finally gone.
A2. CG Bench Press x 2-3 @ 30X1; rest 75 sec 110(3)/ 115(2)/ 115(2)/ 115(3)
B1. Farmer Walk tough 30-40m; rest 1 min b/t sides. 53# first 3, 70# last set
B2. Close Grip Upright Row x 4-5 @ 31X0; rest 1 min 65#(5)/ 70#(5)/ 70#(4)/ 70#(5)
When I get tired on these I do something different that causes shoulder pain & nerve twinges, but I haven't figured out what yet.
C. Every minute on the minute x 5 = 5-7 strict K2E. 7,7,7,5,5
C. Every minute on the minute x 5 = 5-7 strict K2E. 7,7,7,5,5
I got fatigued on these but they've definitely improved. Arms are straight, knees are hitting just above elbows consistently, and they're more controlled.
12-15 minute walk
12-15 minute walk