A. 1RM Press
B. 1RM WTD Pull-Up
30# truly strict & 35# w/some frog kicking at the top
30# is the most I can hang from my feet, so I have to use a belt after that which I absolutely hate. As soon as I clip weight on a belt I feel my pelvis tilt horribly and everything feels off.
C. AMRAP P-Bar Dips - 1 set
D. Max Hollow Holds; 1 minute, unbroken, rest 3 min between attempts
1 full minute, then 44 sec on the 2nd attempt
I swear I have flashbacks to struggling with these as a kid (especially once my displaced vertebrae had locked my back into hyperextension) and hearing "Hollow! Round your spate" shouted at me over and over. That may be the only Romanian word I can remember now.
2 mile walk @ Zone 1