A. Front Rack Step-Up x 20 steps 15"; rest 2 min x 4 55#
The second half of every set was really rough. Just keeping the bar in front rack that long was a challenge.
B. Build to a 1RM Weighted Pull-Up 27.5#
30# was about an inch too low
C. P-Bar Dip x 2-3 @ 5111; rest 1 min x 4 3 each set (but barely - this tempo is brutal)
D1. Straddle Glute Hold 30 sec
D2. Hollow Hold 30 sec
10 minute backwards walk
This was an unpleasant surprise - it was hard from step one and just kept getting worse. I was moving like a snail and still kept having to pause and try to force my right side to relax because it was clenching up really horribly. It never quite got to the level of pain that would have made me stop though.