Your equipment being gone from the gym is depressing, by the way.

A. Front Rack Step-Up x 12 steps 15"; rest 2 min x 4 65#, 70#, 70#, 70#
I may scale weight back down (or at least stop increasing) and focus on controlling the descent and make sure I'm not letting my bottom leg help me up. These were pretty sloppy.
B. Press x 5-6 @ 31X1; rest 2 min x 4 65#(6), 75#(5), 75#(5), 75#(5)
(the last rep was a painful grind on the 3rd and 4th sets)
C. P-Bar Dip x 3-4 @ 5111; rest 1 min x 4. 4, 4, 3, 3
This tempo is brutal - the 1 second pause in the bottom may be the worst part.
D1. Straddle Glute Hold 40 sec
D2. Hollow Hold 20-30 sec
Had to come back and do these and the walk in the evening. Hollows felt better this week, but it may have been because I was fresh. Made it to 25 seconds on each one without pain.
10 minute backwards walk
This was better than last week pain-wise (again, could have been the fresher legs to some extent). I'm slow and uncoordinated and look ridiculous concentrating that hard on walking (as soon as I stop focusing my right foot starts turning out and I shift weight off of that side), but it didn't start tightening up and hurting till halfway through.