A. Front Rack Step-Up x 16 steps 15"; rest 2 min x 4
65# all sets (on accident. Meant it to be 55# but math is tricky.)
These were tough, and I was getting some sporadic pinchy pain around my groin. Almost stripped the weight for the last set.
B. Build to a 1RM Weighted Pull-Up
25# - I actually failed 27.5# this week. Ugh.
C. P-Bar Dip x 2-3 @ 5111; rest 1 min x 4
3 all sets
D1. Straddle Glute Hold 30 sec
D2. Hollow Hold 30 sec
Had to scale & break up some of these hollows - as I got tired I started getting groin pain. The straddle holds are feeling good though.
10 minute backwards walk
If this was better than last week it was only because I was prepared for it. It took less than 40 seconds for my right side to start tightening up painfully, and I had to focus non-stop on not limping or doing a backwards duck footed waddle.