A. Sideways Sled Pull 10 meters R/L; rest 90 sec x 5 55# all sets

B1. Suitcase Carry 45-55m; rest 60 sec btw arms 30#added/30#/40#/40#
B2. Single Arm DB Push Press x 5-6 @ 31X1; rest 60 sec btw arms 35# 6 reps all sets except last set on left side was 5.
Cheated a bit and took these off the jerk blocks since cleaning it was a problem last week.

C1. Internal Rotation Contract Relax 10 on/5 off x 6 R/L; rest 1 min x 3
C2. Half Straddle hold single leg extension w/2 count pause x 5 reps/leg
Ring Rows
15m karaoke (this means 15 times, 12 times, 9 times of 15 meters)