I put off working out yesterday to go enjoy the sun (and beer) with friends and then it bit me in the ass when my car wouldn't start today. I wasn't going to get to the gym until late, so I had to reorder things to get the no-equipment stuff done at home.

A1. Unweighted Single Leg Deadlift x 8-10; rest 30 sec b/t legs
*leg stays bent at 20deg
A2. Star Plank 21 sec R/L
I did the DLs in front of a mirror today and realized just how much wobbling my knee does. I look like I'm doing a one legged version of that one overdone touchdown dance.

C1. Jane Fonda x 41 reps; no rest b/t legs
C2. Table stretch 30-50 sec; no rest 50 sec. (except the second one when my hamstring started cramping up around 30 sec)

B. Sled Push 15m every 2 minutes x 6 (add load to last week) 95/110/110/110/120/120

D1. Seated SA DB Press AMRAP @ 30X0 40#; rest 2 min btw arms 3/3/4/4
D2. WTD Pull-Up x 1-2 @ 31X1; with 25# 1/1/2/2