[My hip had been hurting from early in the morning - pinching feeling around the groin, hip flexor area hurting and general achy pain when walking. No idea why it was worse than usual.]

A. Box Step-Up @ 2111 x 16 alternating steps; rest 45 sec btw sets x 4
Seemed to have a little more success with this when I focused on activating my glutes on top of the box before starting the descent

B1. Jane Fonda x 22 R/L; no rest
B2. Table stretch; 30 sec; no rest

C1. Accumulate 1 minute chin over bar hold in as few sets as possible
20 sec. holds for each round
C2. Active Hip Internal Rotation 30 reps R/L
I didn't like these internal rotations as much as the supine ones, I think just because I struggle to stabilize standing on one leg and pivoting - my hip kept sliding forward or sideways.
25 WTD Dips for time:
5# 5:56
Went with the same weight from last week since they were such a nightmare, but it felt way better this week.