A1. Single Leg Deadlift x 5; rest 30 sec b/t legs
A2. Star Plank 15 sec R/L
First round of the star planks involved a fair amount of flailing and falling over, but that got better.
B. Sled Push 30m every 2 minutes x 6 (add load to last week) 70#
Ooof I've lost a lot of leg strength. I was exhausted by the end of these.
C1. Jane Fonda x 35 reps; no rest b/t legs
C2. Table stretch 40 sec; no rest
Super fun as always. Extension on the table stretch may be getting better.
D1. Seated SA DB Press x 5-6 @ 3010 30#(6), 35(5), 35(5), 35(5)
D2. WTD Pull-Up x 2-3 @ 31X1 10#(3 - no tempo), 10#(3 -w/tempo), 15#(2), 15(2)
Spaced on the tempo for the first set of pull ups.