Monday December 8

A. Front Rack Box Step-Up @ 2111 x 12 alternating steps; rest 45 sec btw sets x 4
35#/45# last 3 sets

B1. Jane Fonda x 25 R/L; no rest
B2. Table stretch; 30 sec; no rest
These still hurt and I actually failed a few reps, which is rather pathetic. After around rep 20 I start to lose motor control.

C1. Accumulate 1 minute chin over bar hold in as few sets as possible
(:35+:15) (:40+:20) (:40+:20)
C2. Active Hip Internal Rotation 30 reps R/L

25 P-Bar Dips for time
I just paced these poorly in the beginning - should have broken them up sooner. First 15 were done in under 1:45.

Friday December 5

A. Sideways Sled Pull 10 meters R/L; rest 90 sec x 5
the 10# added from last week felt like a huge jump, but definitely easier with my left side leading than the right

B1. Suitcase Carry 40-50m; rest 60 sec btw arms
30# added total
B2. Single Arm DB Push Press x 6-8 @ 31X1; rest 60 sec btw arms
35# all sets (8,7,8,7)
Really trying to keep hips and ribs/shoulders level and square on both of these movements. The carries were particularly tough -I kept leaning sideways and shortening my stride on the right side to keep it closer underneath me, which is just plain goofy looking.

[had to break the workout in half at this point... came back later in the evening to finish it]
C. Internal Rotation Contract Relax 10 on/5 off x 6 R/L; rest 1 min x 3
These were irritating my lower back on the right side (no matter which side I was rotating, which is strange), so I started holding a slight hollow as well- back felt better that way though I think it limited ROM some.

3 rounds for time:
6 Strict Pull-Ups
12 Ring Push-Ups
24 Cross Box Step-Ups 12"
12 Anchored Strict Sit-Ups
6 Dual DB Push Press 35#
14:30 (4:18, 5:10, 5:02)
I'm blaming having to break the pull ups up on the 5lbs I've gained.
The push presses were way tougher than I anticipated but I think my core was just a little shot - they felt wobbly. Getting the DBs up to my shoulders was actually really hard.

Wednesday December 3

A. Monster Walk x 14 steps forward/14 steps backwards; rest 1 min x 4

B1. Single Leg Bridge x 8 @ 2112 R/L; no rest
B2. Half Straddle Hold; 30 sec; no rest
My right hamstring was absolutely killing me - every time I tried to do a bridge on that side it would clench up horribly. Tried to smash it into submission/relaxation with the blue bumpy ball but it didn't really work, and no matter how hard I tried to use my glutes instead of my hamstrings it felt the same.

C1. BTN Standing Press x 4-5 @ 31X1; rest 90 sec
65(5), 65(5), 70(4), 70 (4)
these felt heavy today, and the weight increase made a huge difference
C2. Single Arm DB Row x 8-10 @ 31X1; rest 45 sec btw arms

Tuesday December 2

[My hip had been hurting from early in the morning - pinching feeling around the groin, hip flexor area hurting and general achy pain when walking. No idea why it was worse than usual.]

A. Box Step-Up @ 2111 x 16 alternating steps; rest 45 sec btw sets x 4
Seemed to have a little more success with this when I focused on activating my glutes on top of the box before starting the descent

B1. Jane Fonda x 22 R/L; no rest
B2. Table stretch; 30 sec; no rest

C1. Accumulate 1 minute chin over bar hold in as few sets as possible
20 sec. holds for each round
C2. Active Hip Internal Rotation 30 reps R/L
I didn't like these internal rotations as much as the supine ones, I think just because I struggle to stabilize standing on one leg and pivoting - my hip kept sliding forward or sideways.
25 WTD Dips for time:
5# 5:56
Went with the same weight from last week since they were such a nightmare, but it felt way better this week.

Sleep Log

Monday 12:30-6:30 = 6 hrs
Tuesday 12:00-7:00 (Fell asleep reading. House sitting and kept waking up all night.)= 7 hrs
Wednesday 1:00-7:00 (6 hrs)
Thursday 12:45-8:00 (7.25 hrs)
Friday 2:30-8:00 (5.5 hrs) then napped another 3 around lunchtime
Saturday 12:30-7:30 (7 hrs)
Sunday 2:45-7:45 (5 hrs)

Sleep Log Jan 30-Feb 5

Fri 1/30: 1:15-7:45 (6.5 hrs)
Sat 1/31: 1:15-8:45 (7.5 hrs)
Sun 2/1: 1:00-9:00 (8 hrs)
Mon 2/2: 10:45-9:00 (9.25 hrs)
Tues 2/3: 11:30-8:30 (9 hrs)
Wed 2/4: 1:00-8:30 (7.5 hrs)
Thurs 2/5: 12:00-9:30 (9.5 hrs)

Week of 11.24.14

Monday November 24
A. Box Step-Up @ 2111 x 20 alternating steps; rest 45 sec btw sets x 4
Had a tough time activating glutes here - kept leaning forward so my quads could get control of the descent. 2nd two sets a little better, but I'm not super confident I know what it feels like to use my glutes correctly.
B1. Jane Fonda x 20 R/L; no rest
B2. Table stretch; 30 sec; no rest
Jane Fondas were brutal. Really struggled to make it to 20 each set, and I've got significantly less active ROM on my right side vs. left.
C. Accumulate 1 minute chin over bar hold in as few sets as possible
40 sec + rest 10 sec + 20 sec (pronated)
25 WTD Dips 15# for time (deep)
Dropped weight to 5# after the first 5 reps b/c I was failing singles and couldn't get full depth, but still struggled hard through these. Mostly singles after rep 10. Need more dip strength - I looked like I was doing a flying squirrel impression with my legs flailing back behind me and my back arching.

Wednesday November 26
A. Monster Walk x 12 steps forward/12 steps backwards; rest 1 min x 4

B1. Single Leg Bridge x 10 @ 2112 R/L; no rest
B2. Half Straddle Hold; 30 sec; no rest
C1. BTN Standing Press x 5-8 @ 31X1; rest 90 sec
65# all sets 6,6,7,7
C2. Single Arm DB Row @ 31X1; rest 45 sec btw arms

Friday November 28
*did ~10 min of soft tissue work on my glutes & periformus beforehand to try to ease some of the tightness that might limit internal rotation. My right hamstrings are extra sore as well - left are fine though.
A. Sideways Sled Pull 10 meters R/L; rest 90 sec x 5
B1. Suitcase Carry 40-50m; rest 60 sec btw arms
2 10# plates
B2. Single Arm DB Push Press x 8-10 @ 31X1; rest 60 sec btw arms
20#(10), 30#(8), 30#(9), 30#(9)
C. Internal Rotation Contract Relax 10 on/5 off x 5 R/L; rest 1 min x 3
It felt like I was internally rotating so hard... then I took a picture and totally couldn't tell which leg I was supposedly rotating.
3 rounds for time:
5 Strict Pull-Ups
10 Ring Dips
20 Cross Box Step-Ups 9" box
Ring dips took forever. I swear my kip's so ineffective it actually makes them harder, and I'm definitely feeling what was basically a month off.
Step ups were fine- toughest part was crossing my leg that far over & not coming up on my toes. Don't think I could have done them any higher with halfway decent form.
Pull ups all unbroken at least.

Friday evening: right hip felt a little off by late afternoon. Front of hip was more sore (but didn't feel quite like the irritation I get from impingement) and felt unstable in extension. Able to walk without limping when I focused on it, but noticed I was avoiding pivoting or putting weight on the leg in extension. Glutes and side of hip feel sore (and have all week) but I think this is just normal soreness. It's honestly gotten hard to tell.

Wednesday December 31

A. Unweighted Single Leg Deadlift x 8; rest 30 sec b/t legs x 3
B. Sled Push 15m every 2 minutes x 6 25# first 2, 35# next 4
C1. Jane Fonda x 30 reps; no rest b/t legs
C2. Table stretch 30 sec; no rest
D1. Seated SA DB Press x 8-10 @ 3010 25#(9) all sets
D2. AMRAP Strict Pull-Ups (-2) 5, 4, 4, 5