Friday January 2

A. Split Squat x10 @ 3010; rest 1 min b/t legs x 4
you didn't specify but I did these unweighted - the right side was kind of wobbly and I was focused on keeping my back foot from turning out or crossing over behind me.
B. Build to a 1RM Weighted Dip 30#
maybe could have added another few pounds but I had built slowly since I didn't know where I was building to and was getting fatigued
C1. Farmer Walk tough weight/distance; rest 1 min b/t sides. 60 m, 45# per hand
C2. Close Grip Upright Row x 8-10 @ 31X0; rest 1 min 35#(8), 35#(10), 45#(8), 45#(8)
First time doing these and it took some getting used to
D. Every minute on the minite x 5 = 3 strict K2E

10 min walk

Monday December 29

A. Front Rack Step-Up x 20 steps 15"; rest 2 min x 4 55#
The second half of every set was really rough. Just keeping the bar in front rack that long was a challenge.
B. Build to a 1RM Weighted Pull-Up 27.5#
30# was about an inch too low
C. P-Bar Dip x 2-3 @ 5111; rest 1 min x 4 3 each set (but barely - this tempo is brutal)
D1. Straddle Glute Hold 30 sec
D2. Hollow Hold 30 sec
10 minute backwards walk
This was an unpleasant surprise - it was hard from step one and just kept getting worse. I was moving like a snail and still kept having to pause and try to force my right side to relax because it was clenching up really horribly. It never quite got to the level of pain that would have made me stop though.

Friday December 26

A. Max Suitcase Carry 91# R/L
21m right/ 10m left
Carrying that on the left felt awful - like my right side was about to collapse or pull apart or possibly both.

B. Tabata strict anchored sit ups
104 total, 13 average
My quads felt worse than my abs after these, which may mean I was missing the point.

C. Powell raise 8RM @3010 r/l
12# on both - barely

50 strict pull-ups for time
This felt absurdly slow
(Last tested this May 1st - 18:44)

Wednesday December 24

My legs are sore after Sunday/Monday. As in DOMS soreness, not "my hip is pulling apart at the seams" sore, which is a first in months and months. I missed it in a strange way.

A. Seated BTN Press 3RM @ 31X1 75# (2 reps at 80#)
B. Seated DB Press 6RM @ 3010 30#
C. AMRAP SA DB Row @ 30X0 @ 35#/h 13L/15R
D. 60 unbroken hollow rocks; rest 90 sec x 3
35, 31, 15
I loath hollow rocks.

Monday December 22

A. 8RM Front Rack Box Step-Up @ 2111 70#
Might have gotten a little off tempo on the top & bottom of the box just trying to find my balance

B1. 50 Jane Fondas R/L; no rest
B2. Table Stretch 30 sec; no rest
I did not enjoy this.
Got through all of it, but there were a few breath-length pauses every 5 reps or so on the second half of each set

C. Max Chin Over Bar Hold

25 P-Bar Dips for time

Sunday December 20

A. Sideways Sled Pull 10 meters R/L; rest 90 sec x 5 55# all sets

B1. Suitcase Carry 45-55m; rest 60 sec btw arms 30#added/30#/40#/40#
B2. Single Arm DB Push Press x 5-6 @ 31X1; rest 60 sec btw arms 35# 6 reps all sets except last set on left side was 5.
Cheated a bit and took these off the jerk blocks since cleaning it was a problem last week.

C1. Internal Rotation Contract Relax 10 on/5 off x 6 R/L; rest 1 min x 3
C2. Half Straddle hold single leg extension w/2 count pause x 5 reps/leg
Ring Rows
15m karaoke (this means 15 times, 12 times, 9 times of 15 meters)

Friday December 19

A. Monster Walk x 18 steps forward/18 steps backwards; rest 1 min x 4

B1. Single Leg Bridge x 4 @ 2112 R/L; no rest
B2. Full Extension Straddle Hold; 30 sec; no rest
I didn't weight the bridges b/c they're still pretty iffy. This was the first week they seemed to be improving some - almost level, though maybe not fully extended.
The straddle hold actually seems a little easier extended. I assume that means I was doing something wrong.

C1. BTN Standing Press x 2-3 @ 31X1; rest 90 sec 75#(3)/80#(2)/80(2)/80(3)
C2. Single Arm DB Row x 5-6 @ 31X1; rest 45 sec btw arms 35#(6) all sets

Tuesday December 16

A. Front Rack Box Step-Up @ 2111 x 8 alternating steps; rest 45 sec btw sets x 4

B1. Jane Fonda x 22 R/L; no rest
B2. Table stretch; 30 sec; no rest

C1. Accumulate 1 minute chin over bar hold in as few sets as possible (35+25) (45+15) (40+20)
C2. Active Hip Internal Rotation 30 reps R/L
C3. Unweighted 30m sled push
25 P-Bar Dips for time

Monday December 15

A. Sideways Sled Pull 10 meters R/L; rest 90 sec x 5

B1. Suitcase Carry 45-55m; rest 60 sec btw arms
30# added
B2. Single Arm DB Push Press x 5-6 @ 31X1; rest 60 sec btw arms
35# 6 reps all sets
Probably could have push pressed 40 at least but getting the db to my shoulder was the limiting factor - on one set there was some particarly sharp pain when I power cleaned it that lingered for about an hour after

C1. Internal Rotation Contract Relax 10 on/5 off x 6 R/L; rest 1 min x 3
C2. Half Straddle hold single leg extension w/2 count pause x 5 reps/leg
These were pretty ugly. Between abduction, hip extension and trying not to externally rotate it ended up a little all over the place once I tried to have each leg doing something different. The leg extension itself was ok though.


3 rounds for time:
30 Cross Box Step-Ups 9" box
30 Strict Anchored Sit-Ups
10 Ring Dips
Stupid ring dips.
The outside of my right leg (from hip to knee, but especially around the hip) got progressively more achy through this.

Wednesday December 10

A. Monster Walk x 16 steps forward/16 steps backwards; rest 1 min x 4

B1. Single Leg Bridge x 6 @ 2112 R/L; no rest
B2. Half Straddle Hold; 30 sec; no rest

C1. BTN Standing Press x 3-4 @ 31X1; rest 90 sec
C2. Single Arm DB Row x 6-8 @ 31X1; rest 45 sec btw arms

My neck got super stiff and painful after this and kept getting worse until bedtime, but I have no idea what I did. Tomorrow's 4 hour flight is going to be awesome.