A1. Unweighted Single Leg Deadlift x 6; rest 30 sec b/t legs
A2. Side Plank 40 sec
DLs were less wobbly than last week, but I kept catching myself twisting on the way down, and inadvertently over-correcting for that hurt my hip. Side planks were no real problem - Daetwyler was keeping me entertained.
B. Sled Push 15m every 2 minutes x 6 (add load to last week) 55#
I've been getting some nervy, shooting pain down the front of my quad recently - it started up again during these so I kept the weight light.
C1. Jane Fonda x 32 reps; no rest b/t legs
C2. Table stretch 30 sec; no rest
D1. Seated SA DB Press x 6-8 @ 3010 30# (7, 7, 7, 8)
D2. AMRAP Strict Pull-Ups (-1) 5, 5, 5, 5